In our self-nomination, we described this as a meta-project: a MVP for supporting Filecoin core infrastructure dependencies, and as an attempt to encourage (and track) wider acceptance of RetroPGF funds in the communities that build our existing OSS roots.

For the first RetroPGF, the goal is modest. First, we collected info on all of Lotus’ Go dependencies:

From this, we identified those that have already signalled that they are seeking financial support (through the presence of Drips’ FUNDING.json, or Github’s FUNDING.yml files in their repositories). We also sought contact details for all other dependencies.

If approved, we will:

We will reach out and offer (in order of our preference) - Sending them it as FIL, or wFIL - Converting to fiat, and sending to their existing preferred donation format (if possible) - An alternative of their choosing.

Current Status

There are currently 11 groups or individuals representing dependencies are currently requesting financial support. If accepted, funds would be distributed equally to the contacts in this list:

Projects Seeking Funding

Process Notes

RetroPGF Nomination Text

RetroPGF Application Text

RetroPGF Notes to Badgeholders